Why Chocolate Is Amazing For Your Teeth

 - and 2 easy ways to treat your teeth naturally

Dansk 🇩🇰

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Have been nerding out about dental care lately.

Although “it’s safe in small amounts” as dentists claim (who said the same about amalgam fillings and mercury by the way), I personally avoid sodium fluoride, or “fluoride” as it is named on the tube of the toothpaste, like the plague - and by the way we don’t just get fluoride in small amounts – it adds up to 75 litres over a lifetime, and though adults spit most of it out again, some of it will still find its way into the bloodstream, as our mouth is one of the most absorbent places in your entire body and the first gateway to every system in your body. This is why some medications are administered sublingually, or under your tongue and the reason why oil pulling is so effective.

All the praise about flouride is something the dental care industry invented and stubbornly hold on to, but Mother Nature has remedies for us, which have been proved much more effective - and healthy too.


  1. Why tooth decay occurs

  2. How Teeth Remineralize Themselves

  3. Cocoa for strong teeth

  4. 2 Ways to help Remineralize your teeth

1. Why Tooth Decay Occurs

Basically tooth decay occurs when bacteria in the mouth turns sugars and/or starches into acids, which eat away the tooth's surface and cause cavities. 

There are five main things that contribute to tooth decay

  1. Lack of minerals in the diet (calcium deficiency, magnesium deficiency and phosphorus deficiency)

  2. Lack of fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K, especially vitamin D deficiency)

  3. Too much consumption of phytic acid-rich foods (grains, nuts, seeds)*

  4. Too much consumption of processed sugar

  5. The bacteria streptococci mutans

2. How Teeth Remineralize Themselves

There is a common belief today about cavities that once you have tooth decay, that cavity can not be reversed. Then the only solution to oral wellness is to have part of your tooth drilled out and filled with a synthetic material. However, it’s been proven that there are ways to reverse cavities naturally.

4 Vital Steps:

  1. Remove processed sugar from your diet (found in sweets, cakes, cookies, processed food, soft drinks, jams, cereals, canned fruit, sauces & instant gravies, ice creams, frozen yogurts, milk shakes etc.)

  2. Remove phytic acid-rich foods (grains, nuts, seeds) from your diet or at least soak nuts and seeds before you eat them*.

  3. Add raw cocoa to your diet.

  4. Add raw cocoa to your dental hygiene rutine.

3. Cocoa For Strong Teeth

Good oral and dental hygiene is fundamentally all about preventing cavities, strengthening the gums and teeth and getting a fresh breath, which of all you obtain by cleaning between the teeth, kill the bad bacteria, clean the gums and teeth and add in some good minerals - and nature has amazing remedies for that too.

According to the legend, Mexican god of wisdom Quetzalcoatl left the divine cocoa tree, he had stolen from the gods, for the people. As a bean or seed, it is clearly superior to most beans from a nutritional perspective. For the benefits of the teeth it is extremely rich in the teeth vital minerals and nutritiens like:


Studies from the University of Tulane (2007) and the University of Texas (2013), have shown that the substance theobromine, which is a flavonoid found in cocoa beans, chocolate, tea leaves and cola nuts, is much more effective than fluoride to fight tooth decay and to repair tooth enamel. The results of both studies showed that toothpaste containing theobromine in less than one week gave the test persons "100 percent dental occlusion" (i.e. a harmonious bite) with tooth dentin becoming re-mineralized or repaired**. Furthermore. Measuring the hardness of the tooth, the report showed Theobromine’s ability to expand the Apatite crystals that are involved in hardening tooth enamel.

Not only does theobromine hardens and repairs the teeth it also contains an effective anti-bacterial substance and kills streptococci mutans (the primary organism that causes cavities).

To conclude:

Pure organic cocoa with its rich content of calcium, magnesium and phosperous and the unique flavonoid theobromine is an antibacterial thooth hardeder that is very effective in fighting tooth decay and plaque.

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4. Two Powerful Ways To Remineralize Your Teeth


1. Use Raw Cocoa Powder Tootpaste

Helps to fights tooth decay, remineralize and repair tooth enamel.


  1. Melt coconut oil.

  2. Combine all ingredients and mix until you have the consistency you want. Pour the Store the paste in a container with a lid.

  3. Cool in refrigerator for about 15 min.

  4. Brush your teeth as usual and rinse.

2. Cocoa-Coco Oil Pulling

Used for centuries by Ayurvedic medicine, oil pulling is a fantastic oral detoxification procedure that has gained some popularity in the last several years. Normally you just do it with coconut oil with perhaps a few drops of essential oil, but to maximize the healing effect I add raw cocoa powder.

Oil pulling is simply done by swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth for 20 minutes, this simple oral detoxification procedure has been praised to cure everything from gingivitis to headaches to hormonal imbalances.

If you can’t do 20 minutes, three to five minutes is still good.

I mix:

How to:

  1. The best time to oil pull (like most other detoxification procedures) is first thing in the morning right after you get out of bed.

  2. I do it when I'm in the shower.

  3. Gently swish 1 tablespoon of the oil mix in your mouth and between your teeth for 10-20 minutes making sure that you don’t swallow any of the oil. (Do this gently so you don’t wear out your jaw and cheeks!)

  4. I then recommend that you spit the spent oil in the trash rather than into the sink, as an accumulation of oil could pose problems for household plumbing down the road. If you do spit into the sink though make sure to rinse under the running hot water tap.

  5. Immediately after you've spit it out, rinse your mouth out with warm water.

  6. Don’t be shocked if the oil/saliva mixture you spit out is milky white or yellow.

  7. This is also a good time to use a tongue scraber to remove the white or coloured coating on the tongue.

  8. Finally, brush your teeth as normal.

About The Ingredients:

Unrefined cold-pressed coconut oil (virgin): As coconut oil is highly absorbable and the mouth is very absorbent, many of the benefits you experience by eating the oil, can also be obtained by just swirling it in your mouth. Coconut oil cleanses just as soap, it’s antibacterial and it contains Lauric acid. Lauric acid is found in abundance in human breast milk and converts to a substance called monolaurin in the body. Monolaurin have strong anti-viral properties, are effective in the treatment of fungal infections and can boost the immune system.

Baking Soda is a mild abrasive, which helps remove plaque and debris, it’s also antibacterial and can remove the staphylococcal bacteria, which are some of the bad influencers in the development of cavities.

Peppermint oil has a disinfectant, soothing and relaxing effect. It increases the flow of calcium into the muscle cells.

Clove Oil is bactericidal and effective in relieving toothache, sore gums, mouth ulcers and in treatment of cavities. In addition the characteristic scent of clove removes bad breath (do not swallow though).

*) Nature has set it up so that the nut, grain, and seed may survive until proper growing conditions are present. Nature’s defence mechanism includes nutritional inhibitors and toxic substances that can be removed naturally when there is enough precipitation to sustain a new plant after the nut, grain or seed germinates. When it rains the nut, grain or seed gets wet and can then germinate to produce a plant. So we are mimicking nature when we soak our nuts, grains, and seeds.

Nutritional inhibitors and toxic substances found in nuts grains and seed can be minimized or eliminated by soaking. These inhibitors and toxic substances are enzyme inhibitors, phytates (phytic acid), polyphenols (tannins), and goitrogens.

**) Tooth dentine contains microscopic tubules (small hollow tubes or canals), wherein liquid and cells (odontoblasts) flows, leading into the nerve and vessel chamber at the middle of the tooth (pulp). If the tooth is damaged (caries, erosion or fracture), odontoblasts can restore the dentine. Dentin is a live and sensitive tissue that can feel heat, cold, pain and sweet as a defence. When the dentin is exposed, the tooth can become temperature sensitive and painful. In this way it tells the tooth that something is wrong or that you should be careful and take care of your teeth.

#chocolate #teeth #strongteeth #natural

BeautyHanne RobinsonTeeth