The Ultimate Guide To Get Rid Of Cellulite Naturally


Cellulite is as stubborn as it is common, and all kinds of products and procedures promise the moon but rarely deliver. The actual physiology of cellulite makes it hard to eliminate. Nonetheless, there are some assuring approaches for both minimizing the look and addressing the causes of it, but first of all, you'll need to get into your persistent and insisting mindset.

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What Is Cellulite

Cellulite describes the sometimes pitted appearance of fat deposits in the body. It’s most often seen on the thighs and buttocks, but it can show up the hips, stomach, and upper arms as well. In milder cases, the tell-tale texture only shows up if you pinch the area or if you bend down or cross your legs. In other cases, it’s visible regardless of your posture.

It’s probably of little surprise to say that women are more prone to it.
Estimates vary but suggest that at least 80% of women have cellulite to some degree. Women – even lean, healthy women – naturally have more body fat than men. Furthermore, our fat cells arrange themselves in more bulge-prone vertical columns as opposed to the more restrictive, reinforced net-like design men have.

By the way, note that cellulite and cellulitis are two different things. Cellulitis (the one with the ‘is’) is a bacterial skin infection.


What Causes Cellulite

The puckering of the skin happens when the layer of fat beneath the skin pushes against connective tissue and bulges, causing the characteristic orange-peel or cottage cheese appearance.

A combination of fat cells becoming larger or increasing in number, a thinner collagen layer, and change in blood supply may lead to gynoid lipodystrophy, which is the medical term for cellulite.

8 Things That Can Cause Cellulite

  1. Age. While the connective cords are flexible when we’re young, they tend to stiffen with age.

  2. Fat. The more fat you have to contain in these areas, the more strain there is on the connective tissue.

  3. Hormonal changes. Specifically, a decline in estrogen levels may contribute to a loss of elasticity in the fat restraining connective bands, changes in circulation, and a reduction in the production of collagen.

  4. Postpartum slack. Our ligaments and other connective tissue are loosened by a natural release of Relaxin, which helps allow for the expanding uterus and aids in labor. Skin also expands and can remain slack post-pregnancy, which can contribute to the appearance of cellulite.

  5. Dieting. If you’ve done a lot of weight cycling or yo-yo dieting in your life, the back and forth changes can further loosen the connective cords.

  6. Stress. The hormonal effects of stress can influence fat production.

  7. Couch potato. Lack of activity can impair the circulation and lymphatic drainage in cellulite-prone areas.

  8. Toxin buildup. Cellulite may indicate that the body is not eliminating toxins effectively and is instead increasing fat cells to store these toxins.

Traditional Chinese Medicine’s Approach To Cellulite

- Get the water flowing

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)views cellulite as a buildup of dampness and fat in the body and relates to a poor digestive function, therefore, impeding the circulation of fluids in the body

Some common causes for that include:

Stagnation. Lymphatic congestion and accumulation of fat. When the accumulation of fat is present along with emotional imbalances, such as stress and worry, stagnation occurs and eventually builds cellulite.

Digestion. The spleen and stomach, are Earth elements, and the two organs mostly associated with the digestive process and can get out of balance due to:

  • Over thinking/study

  • Worrying

  • Sitting at a desk for long periods of time

  • Lack of exercise

  • Over consumption of damp producing foods and fluids i.e.: diary, wheat, processed fast foods, sugar and the likes.

  • A stressful lifestyle and repressed emotions.

  • Chemical Stress comes in the form of bad nutrition and environmental toxicity. A diet high in sugar, trans-fats and industrialized meat is highly inflammatory. These food sources create toxic cells and damage the gut lining and increase chronic stress in the body.


All of the above contribute to weaken the spleen and stomach’s ability to function, and over time begins to store the buildup of damp toxins within the body and in this case just under the skin.

Deficiencies & Stagnation

Spleen Qi Deficiency

The Spleen nourishes muscle and fat, and the function of the Spleen is to distribute fatty tissue evenly through the body, especially in the periphery. In the case of cellulite, the fat distribution is affected, and fatty tissue seems to stagnate without flow in certain parts of the body. So, on the one hand there is excessive fat, and on the other there is poor circulation of it, and as a result cellulite may occur.

Kidney Qi Deficiency

The Kidneys also play an important role in managing fluids and excreting waste from the body.

Qi Stagnation

According to Chinese medicine, cellulite is connected to water metabolism. When Qi stagnation is present, proper fluid management cannot transpire which causes cellulite.

Qi is the vital energy that circulates through the body at all times.


12 Best Ways To Get Rid Of Cellulite

Now that we know why we build cottage cheese on the thighs let’s jump to how to get those smooth, sexy legs.

It's possible to get rid of cellulite, or to reduce it at least considerably, but lemme warn you first! It takes perseverance and persistence.
Cellulite does not leave voluntarily.
In my treatment of cellulite, I couple the best from the Western and Eastern healing traditions. It's powerful tools, and it's not for the sensitive type, but this treatment is the only one that has worked for me.

Here’s What You Do:

1. Eat a Low-Carb, Anti-Inflammatory Diet


A diet that is low in sugar and carbohydrates and rich in anti-inflammatory compounds and good fats is key for reducing toxic load, hormonal balance, and cellulite control.

Your diet should be full of healthy fats such as avocados, olives, olive oil, coconut fats, ghee, raw cacao, non-starchy veggies, herbs, pasture-raised animal products, and fermented foods.


  • Fatty milk products (butter, low-fat milk products can be consumed in moderation).

  • Refined carbohydrates and sugars (whole foods, fruits, and honey are fine).

2. Get more gelatin and collagen

Collagen give our connective tissues strength and elasticity, but our body’s collagen production slow down as we age, and the reduction in the production of collagen is one of the causes of cellulite.

High-quality gelatin is rich in the key amino acids glycine and proline, which many people don’t consume in adequate amounts as they are found in the bones, fibrous tissues and organs of animals and as a population.
Most people only consume muscle meats and avoid these organ meats and joint tissue.

Look to consume bone broth throughout the week. If you are unable to get bone broth, you can also use high-quality grass-fed beef gelatin or collagen protein.

3. more or less Salt

Salt (sodium) intake also needs to be kept under control since cellulite (fat) has high water content.

Use pink salt in your meals. If you are on a moderate-high carbohydrate diet, your body will retain sodium, however, if you are on a low carbohydrate, ketogenic diet than you will excrete sodium.

If you are on a low-carb diet, you will need more salt, and if you are on a high carb diet, you need a very little salt. I typically recommend looking to get about 2 tsp. of pink salt daily in your various foods or even sprinkling some in water throughout the day as you hydrate.

4. Dry Brush

Dry skin brushing only takes five minutes a day, and it kick starts the lymphatic system, which helps to remove toxins from the body. The stiffer the bristles on the brush, the better the lymphatic stimulation you’ll create.

In my post about how to balance your hormones you’ll find instructions on how to dry brush.

5. go Bum walking or squat


This exercise might bring a smile to your face when you do it. However, it does help improve circulation of blood flow plus cause friction on the cellulite areas.

How to perform:

  • Sit cross-legged on the floor and move sideways, back and forward in this position, for about 15 minutes a day.


If that’s too weird for you, the good ol’ squats will do too.

Squats target your glutes, hamstrings, quads and inner and outer thighs, exactly where cellulite tends to hang out. Do 3 set of 36 á day. But start gently and build up.

6. Walk

A daily regimen of walking for between 30 and 50 minutes.

7. Do High Intensity Exercise (HIIT)

High-intensity exercise improves circulation, lymphatic drainage, and stimulates fat burning hormones. I recommend you use HIIT training with your resistance training; you can do an exercise for full speed for 30 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, and then go straight to the next exercise. When you're running, you can switch between sprint for 20 sec., and jogging or walking for 1 min.

For inspiration: Top 5 Exercises to Burn Fat Without Stressing the Body

8. Drink water

Drink water regularly and throughout the day – the regularity is more important than the quantity consumed. Warm water is better than cold, and it’s surprising how quickly you come to enjoying warm water.

9. Minimize Stress to Balance Hormones

Emotional and mental stress has a significant impact on our body’s natural hormone expression and must be effectively addressed. Living in a state of fear is extremely destructive to human physiology. Fear drives stress hormones, which utilize all the key resources in the body and increase fat storage.

You can minimize mental and emotional stress by

  • spending more time reconnecting with your spiritual identity.

  • Use the Earth’s rhythms by grounding yourself through walking barefoot, sitting or lying on grass, dirt or sand for as long as possible. Sunbathing is great for vitamin D3 synthesis and reconnecting with the Earth’s rhythms and calming stress hormones (remember we’re working on an imbalance in the Earth element).

10. Good Sleep

If you sleep poorly you will have altered stress hormone levels and will have a tough time reducing cellulite. It’s essential that you create the appropriate sleep hygiene strategies to help your body reduce stress hormones at night and increase melatonin production for deep and restorative sleep.

Being in bed early (ideally by 9 or 10 pm), in an entirely dark and cool room is one of the best ways to reset your stress hormone balance and circadian rhythm.

This will be Here is a helpful article that goes over the best strategies for your beauty sleep.

11. Estrogen detox

Estrogen overload and testosterone drop are significant threats to our health and reproductive system today and mostly caused by our modern lifestyles, plastic, and the food industry.
Cellulite can be a sign of estrogen dominance in your body, and rebalancing hormone levels can help solve the cellulite issue. Learn how to that here.

12. Cupping

Cupping is the most effective and a fantastic tool because it promotes the lymphatic system, helps with the lipid metabolism, encourages fluid and blood circulation, increases the flow of nutrients to the skin, bone and the muscle mass, as well as helping to remove waste matter such as toxins from the skin, resulting in the reduction of those swollen fat cells.

Note: The direction of the cupping movement should always be aimed TOWARDS the lymph glands, (i.e. towards the groin) - as in upward motions.

How To Perform Cupping To Treat Cellulite – My Way

This is my leg fat toxin release treatment that leaves you with remarkably silky soft skin. ⠀

  • The dry brushing exfoliates, increases circulation, loosens and removes dead skin cells and helps stimulate normal lymph flow and the body to detoxify itself.⠀

  • MSM exfoliates, can enhance collagen production and helps form the connective tissues and accelerate healing and detoxing processes.

  • Coconut oil is cleansing, soothing, and moisturizing. ⠀

Be aware that this kind of tissue massage is powerful and can be painful, so start very gently and don’t do it if you’re sunburned or have serious skin conditions.

What You Need:


  1. Start by dry brushing the legs and bum. Always brush toward the cheast area where the lymph system drains.

  2. Use a damp cloth to moisten your skin.

  3. Gently massage 1 tsp. MSM powder on to each leg and bum.

  4. Apply unrefined coconut oil to legs and massage again.

  5. Squeeze the suction cup to remove air.

  6. Place it against your skin.

  7. Release and move it toward hip while lifting and pulling.

  8. Start from the calf muscle and working upwards to the thigh and hamstrings and to the buttock ending at the top of the hipbone

  9. Move it the same “lane” 3-6 times until the skin is slightly reddish and you can feel the heat spread in the skin area.

  10. To avoid the risk of haematoma. Don’t leave the cup on the same spot.

  11. Go easy the first few times, cupping only for 10 minutes on each leg. Increase the treatment duration by 5–7 minutes on each time to up to 30 minutes.

  12. Wipe off your legs with a damp cloth after the treatment.

  13. Apply a fresh layer of coconut oil

  14. The skin will feel really soft now.

  15. Remember to drink water, to flush out the released toxins.

You can repeat the treatment 2-4 times a week.


The direction of the cupping movement should always be aimed towards the lymph glands. This action promotes the lymphatic system, helps with the lipid metabolism, encourages fluid, blood and Qi circulation, increases the flow of nutrients to the skin, bone and the muscle mass, as well as helping to remove waste matter such as toxins from the skin, resulting in the reduction of swollen fat cells.

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All information in this blog is strictly for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. The statements made in this blog have not been evaluated by The Danish Health Authority. The products linked to in this blog and any information published in this blog are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided by this blog is not a substitute for a face to-face consultation with your physician, and should not be construed as medical advice. The entire contents of this blog are based upon the opinions of Hanne Robinson. By reading and using this blog, you agree to only use this publication for personal informational use and not as a substitute for medical or other professional advice.

Key words: bye cellulite, cellulite, cellulite cream, cellulite creams, cellulite massage, cellulite reduction, cellulite solution, cellulite treatment, cellulite treatments, cellulite